
day two,

long day today, didn't get as much accomplished as i would have wanted. papi wanted me to go early to get emission done on my car but i was up till like 6am working on my blog so that fell through. was woken up at like noon with him arriving from work and i set into motion.

went to the emissions place but after waiting in line for like 20 minutes turns out my car is too low to the ground to actually take the test. good game. so i turned and got the hair cut taken care of, great timing going early afternoon tuesday's, walk in and im the only one
there, in and out.

got my shit together and was out the door for the job interview at like 5:30, had a good ride (love my car to death) and got there about 5 minutes early. walk in and the only thing of note was a big sign saying that we're hiring a lot, and listing like 7 different positions they were looking for, /shrug right place right time i guess. so i walk up to the geek squad counter and ask for mike as instructed. couple seconds later this 23ish scrawny white guy comes walking out clutching a paper pamphlet and motions me to an employee only room.

inside is farily non descript, its just a room with a long table, a couple pictures of 'employees of the month' i assume and a big whiteboard with scheduling shit on it. i sit down accross from him and he bascially asks me to introduce myself, i start teh schmooze and by the end of the interview im giving the manager of the geek squad department tips on taking the a+ test which he hadn't even taken yet (3 weeks out).

2nd interview tomorrow, i get to meet the store manager, lets see how this one turns out

random picture,
after a lan party i threw for me nat and mike, i had a picture of us we took in the hallway,
late one night nat asked me to make the devil tell him to do evil things and have mr clean shove a fork into mikes ear,
what follows in teh result


Caro said...


i <3 you guys. lol

you and mike [cant speak for nat for i have never met him] look SOOOO young. shitauki.

Lauren Deal said...

is that mr clean?