Time to tell you all about my jizzob.
well i must back track a bit because i didn't update last week, but after calling the hookup at the lab i went back on friday and basically pushed the process through. had best buy call in to get the results and finally got that shit pushed through. thankfully jeahana (gina) the hr lady i was working with turned to me and said i passed and asked if i could start tomorrow (sat). i elatedly responded yes and asked what time. she told me that orientation from 1pm-5pm and come in a white polo and khakis. it was time to roll
well after a nervous nights sleep i start getting ready for day one. well it's been a while since i've done any work, and so i took it upon myself and meditated. now i haven't meditated in about a year, but it just felt good. im not devoutly religious being raised catholic never made much sense to me. in my later boarding school years i began ready a lot of buddhist texts and a lot of the ideas started sticking on me. most of which was meditation and the search for enlightment (being a different path for everyone). i have a shrine set up in my room with my buddha, and my car has a shrine leading me off wherever i go. so while i can't say that im buddhist (i don't believe in any sort of ceremony) i sometimes refer to myself as a practicing buddhist, i read some of the literature and use what i feel works. so i meditated, i did lotus position for a while then i switched to a more comfortable open position and it helped clear the mind and get ready for a new chapter.
so disregarding that side track, after meditating did a last check and got my shit together and went out the door. arrive at the front door, talk with loss prevention (the guys that stand at the front and check reciepts) they pointed me at where to go and i arrived, sadly 10 minutes late because of crazy construction on my route. but all was well they hadn't really done anything. the first part of orientation was held in big breakroom. so i walk in and theres about 12 other people of various sorts all sitting around a table with gina just running through some basic paperwork. well as it turns out because my drug test took so damn long i timed out of the system and i wasn't able to fill out any paperwork (tax forms n shit). so i got to spend the first hour doing nothing while 11 other people got their shit taken care of.
that hour creeps by and then the big guy comes in. general manager for store 217, paul. big jolly lookin fellow with a huge gut and slightly shaded glasses. doesn't look to friendly but he's very talkative. we move from the breakroom, turns out employees like to break in there, then we all crammed in to a 8x30 meeting room with a long table in the middle, im down at one end, everyone else fills in the side and paul is at the far end. this part of training is pretty much straight lecture, he tells us about general rules and the employee discount. he then pops in a dvd, and we get to watch random videos about best buy for the next hour and a half. whole bunch of crazy shit, like they have their own internal tv show with a whole bunch of crazy hosts like the benevolent beagle (a triumph ripoff and just as raunchy).
that over paul starts some more lecture and before i know it the day is done. i find gina afterwards and get my schedule for the next week. im doing midday on monday, closing on tuesday, opening on wednesday.
now as another sidetrack, my computer still sucks, but after that first day of work. the guild i lead on world of warcraft, HoZ on mannoroth horde, finally decide to turn down the suck and turn up the awesome. we killed ragnaros the final boss of the molten core making us the 6th guild to do it on our server horde side. it was the fruitition of 6 MONTHS of work and a huge guild milestone and really the biggest guild accomplishment i could have ever dreamed. i really thank everyone who spent hours and money putting in to this encounter and im glad to say that we came out on top. link to our page
so after a great weekend monday rolls around and after taking papi to pick up the landrover from the mechanic i get to work like 45 minutes early. now i know the geeksquad area isn't that big so i don't really want to stand around in the closet while im not on the clock, so i spend about a half hour just chilling listening to a trance set in the car waiting for time to pass. 1:45 rolls around and i step out the car, get presentable and march in for my first real day of work. i get in and find a spot out of the way behind the customer service desk about 5 feet from the geeksquad area and start scopin it out. watching interaction and the like, coming from customer service at mci i know what its like to talk to people, but working with someone face to face is slightly different. after a couple minutes a guy i will come to know as tarek comes up and introduces himself and the odyssey begins. i meet a whole bunch of people that work in the geek squad area and i start up a conversation with mike. mike is one of the managers who general takes care of closing and he seems like a pretty cool guy. about a half hour of me being there he calls everyone over to a computer in the back, and shows us all a clip from robot chicken of voltron getting served. good times. apparently all these guys are game players hardcore, love family guy, play wow, go to lan parties, get drunk, play games, have fun. so needless to say it seems i've found my niche. well mike says im going to get some register training today because everyone has to do it, but it never pans out. i wasn't really assigned any work, so basically i found a couple computers in the back and started fixing shit.
so the geek squad is pretty damn chaotic, there are a couple things in place to try and keep it moving forward, but you pretty much take it as you come. there are a couple backed up computers, a lot of computers that are fixed but they haven't picked them up yet and a lot of random crap back there that i haven't completely figured out. but its all in good fun and while i don't really get anything done my first day, i learned alot about how it works and how it should work.
the biggest thing we do at geeksquad is fix all the goddamn spyware. good god, some of the crap thats out there on the internet blows my mind. pretty much 70% of the shit we have to deal with is somebody chosing the wrong porn site and their computer gets laden with so much crap it should be illegal. windows loves collecting this crap, i used to think that cleaning my uncles computers was enough, but looking at some of the computers that come through the geeks squads hands would put lili's and arlene's work to shame.
so geek squad is fun, learning a lot and getting my shit together getting ready to move out. today i got my next week schedule and im going to be at the store's opening for 4 days next week and it looks fun. best buy looks like its going to be a good place to spend some time and im happy for now. can't wait for the first paycheck, gotta bank most of it, but i also gotta get my computer working again for as cheap as possible. thankfully i came up with a fix that lets me not install windows every time it crashes, but my computer is still crashing a fuckton.
and in closing i spent some time perusing other peoples blog and i decided to take this godforsaken color quiz, was fun, the results i guess are pretty spot on considering whats going on, im going to busy myself with the lightsaber game while you read this,
![]() | saint0z took the free ColorQuiz.com personality test! "Wants to prove to himself and others that nothing ..."
until next time, carry on, i'll post an update whenever i feel inclined.
so maybe i am indeed some uptight bitch and i cant admit it.
i'm the only one it didnt work for.
yay! yo' jizzob!!!11!!!!111!
so yeah.
your getting paid will be anice change. hehe
be cool!
about damn time you updated.
fuck you karla
I hate you joe
the "fuck you karla" was just so wonderful with your profile pic. goodness.
i miss you guys!!!!
i bought my ticket!
i'd love for you to update!
ahm, ummm someone needs to update.
Oh and by the way I HATE YOU.
I am very glad to see such information which I was searching for a long time. Woosh
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